10 Ways to Reduce Gas and Bloating Naturally
Gas and bloating can be pretty uncomfortable. Here are some ways you can naturally help reduce both symptoms so you can get back to the fun stuff!
Gas and bloating aren’t fun, right? We've all been there – that feeling like your stomach is like a balloon that’s about to pop.
And guess what? It's actually super common – a study with over 80,000 people found 1 in 7 get it, with women feeling it more often than men [1].
But don't panic, we've got your back (or should we say belly?) with some easy tips to beat the bloat!
Here's the deal: bloating is that uncomfortable feeling of your stomach being super full or stretched. This happens because your digestive system is, well, stretched. It can be caused by gas, liquids, or even solids building up inside, or by weaker stomach muscles, like after you have a baby.
Along with bloating, you might also feel some other not-so-fun stuff, like cramps, gas, burping, diarrhoea, or constipation. While bloating is pretty common and usually goes away on its own, that doesn't mean you have to just suffer through it. If it's happening all the time, it's a good idea to chat with your doctor to rule out any other health problems.
There are a bunch of different reasons why you might feel bloated, and they can range from no big deal to more serious. Some common culprits include:
- Food intolerances or allergies – your body might not be too happy with certain foods
- Foods high in fibre, sugar alcohols, or FODMAPs – these can all cause gas buildup in your gut
- Swallowing too much air – this can happen if you eat or drink too fast
- Extra fluid in your bowels
- Constipation – things just aren't moving along smoothly!
- Gut microbiome imbalances – the tiny organisms living in your belly might be out of whack
- Hormonal changes, especially around your period
See, with so many possible causes, it's important to see your doctor if you're getting bloated all the time, especially if you have other symptoms like gas or constipation.
The good news? There are ways to fight the bloat naturally, and we'll talk about those next!
1. Take a daily probiotic
You know how earlier we mentioned imbalances in your gut microbiome can be a cause of bloating?
Well, daily probiotics can help you combat that. Studies suggest that probiotics could boost the number and types of bacteria in your gut which may reduce inflammation and bloating [2].
Probiotics can be consumed in tablet form which you can buy from a pharmacy, or they are also found in foods such as yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut, tempeh and miso.
2. Limit high salt & fatty foods
A high salt intake has been shown to contribute to water retention in the gut, which can encourage feelings of bloating [3, 4].
The recommended daily sodium intake for adults in France is 5 grams per day.
Try to reduce your salt intake where possible, especially when opting for premade or prepackaged foods which can often contain high amounts of sodium.
Foods high in unhealthy fats - such as fried food, fast food, lollies, potato chips, and chocolate - can cause your intestine to hold excess gas and increase the feeling of fullness and bloating [5].
Reducing these kinds of foods is not only beneficial in combating bloating, but also your incontinence symptoms too - and overall health.
3. Drink peppermint tea
Peppermint as an aid for digestion has quite a long history in traditional medicine [6, 7].
Even though human studies testing peppermint tea are not as common as the studies of peppermint oil, what has been trialled has shown that it can relax muscles and have anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial effects on the body [8].
And one study showed that a single peppermint tea bag supplied six times more peppermint oil than a serving of peppermint oil capsules, so sipping on a warm cup of minty fresh tea can’t hurt [9]!
4. Take a walk
We get it, when you’re bloated sometimes the last thing you want to do is move! But hear us out. Going for a short, light walk after meals can help get rid of trapped gas from your bowels.
One study, in particular, found that even 10 to 15 minutes walking after a meal improved the feeling of being bloated more so than medications did [10].
Other research on people with IBS has associated walking, and even cycling, with long-term improvements in symptoms like bloating [11].
5. Try a low-FODMAP diet
Before we dive into this one, we just want to note that you should always speak with your doctor before making any changes to your diet.
FODMAPs are a type of carbohydrates found in a variety of foods. When in the small and large intestine, FODMAP molecules draw more fluid into the bowel and are rapidly fermented by colonic microflora (bacteria in the colon) which produces gas.
An increase of fluid and gas can cause the sensation of bloating and abdominal discomfort. People that suffer with IBS are usually recommended a low-FODMAP diet to avoid this.
There are a heap of studies that indicate limiting the intake of FODMAPs may reduce bloating and other symptoms in people with IBS [12,13].
High FODMAP foods include:
- Garlic and onions
- Apples
- Green peas
- Some marinated meats
- Dairy products
- Chickpeas
- Breads containing wheat, barley and/or rye
6. Take your time when eating
Eating quickly can cause you to inhale too much air, known as aerophagia, which is said to be a possible cause of bloating, especially in those with gut disorders such as IBS [14].
Taking your time when eating to make sure you’re not swallowing too much air. Also making sure you’re not eating in a stressful environment (you might be on-the-run or just generally stressed) can also decrease the likelihood of swallowing too much air. Eating until you’re no more than 80% full can also help reduce the feeling of bloating.
7. Do some yoga poses
Yoga poses not only help you relax your body overall, they can help you to release excess air and trapped gas, which may reduce bloating.
Poses that are helpful include child’s pose, happy baby pose, seated forward bend and wind relieving pose (of course!).
You can view how to do said poses here.
8. Swap out fizzy drinks
Carbonated beverages, even if just sparkling water, can cause bloating. How, you ask?
Well because the water is blended with gas to make it fizzy, that gas can then lead to your tummy feeling bloated.
Sugar-rich carbonated drinks are even worse for bloating because they also spike your blood sugar, which is followed by an insulin spike that may cause excess storage of fat around the stomach area.
9. Apply gentle heat
Using a heat pack over your stomach can help reduce bloating discomfort. And while it’s more relief than treatment, it’s still quite effective and easy to do.
If you’ve got a bathtub, you can also try having a nice warm bath. The gentle warmth will help induce relaxation of your body, which may allow the gastrointestinal tract to function more effectively and help reduce your bloating.
10. Don’t hold it in!
If you get the urge to pass gas, you need to let it out!
Holding in flatulence leads to a build up of abdominal pressure and can cause abdominal distension (swollen beyond its usual size).
Obviously we understand that sometimes you may not be in an ideal location to relieve yourself of gas! But, if you can, try to take yourself to a more convenient location or even just head to the toilet.
If you have bowel incontinence, wearing continence aids like Invizi Pants will eliminate the worry and ensure you’re as comfortable as possible, and even keep odours neutralised for up to 12 hours!
We hope these 10 natural ways to reduce bloating help you out! Remember, if you’re experiencing ongoing, consistent bloating and abdominal discomfort, see your doctor for further support.
Über den Autor: Gabriella Del Grande
Having begun her career as a journalist, Gabriella has been weaving words to create engaging and educational content for over a decade. Gabriella loves to write insightful pieces that empower readers to take control of their health and wellbeing so they can live their lives to the fullest. Along with crafting articles, Gabriella has an eye for design, producing and overseeing visual content from short-form Instagram reels and TikToks to long-form brand campaigns and video series.