5 Ways to Prevent Incontinence Odours
Let's face it, no one wants to worry about unwanted odours. Here are 5 simple tips to keep yourself feeling fresh and confident.
It’s common for people to worry about body odour, and those with incontinence might face extra concerns and challenges.
But you don’t have to let these worries stop you from living your life!
Let's talk about 5 ways to prevent and eliminate incontinence odours so you can live confidently!
1. Stay hydrated
There are a lot of benefits to staying hydrated and drinking plenty of water during the day, but did you know it can also reduce the scent of urine?
When dehydrated, urine becomes more concentrated and therefore has more of an odour. Drinking the recommended 1.5 to 2 litres of water per day (for adults) not only keeps you hydrated but dilutes your urine and reduces odour.
Drinking enough water also helps prevent urinary tract infections and constipation - both of which can make incontinence symptoms worse.
You can tell if you’re hydrated enough by the colour of your urine - a light yellow colour is a good sign you’re well hydrated, while a darker yellow colour can be a sign you need to drink some more water.
2. Dispose of continence aids the right way
Ensuring you’re disposing of your incontinence products correctly is a great way to minimise any odours hanging around in the home.
If you have bowel incontinence, it’s important to dispose of any stool in your pull-up pants or slip into the toilet before you throw the product out.
After this, wrap the used product up and place it into a plastic or zip lock bag before throwing it in the bin to further help contain any odours.
You can do the same wrapping and placing into a plastic bag for used urinary incontinence products, too.
While it might feel tempting to flush a continence aid (especially a pad or guard) down the toilet for immediate disposal so you don’t have to place it in the bin, this is not recommended as it can cause plumbing blockages.
3. Pick quality continence aids and change them regularly
Choosing a product that is right for your needs is super important in managing incontinence.
Ensuring that you invest in a high-quality option with an active odour neutraliser will be extremely helpful in eliminating smells. Some incontinence products either aren’t fitted with odour control or rely on odour masking (where the product is fragranced as a way to ‘cover’ unpleasant smells). Both approaches are not very effective.
This is why it’s important to choose a product that is equipped with active odour-neutralising material, like the continence aids in our Invizi range. They feature crystals made of super absorbent polymers that are treated with an odour-locking material to neutralise odours for up to 12 hours!
It’s equally as important to ensure you change your incontinence aids once they’re wet or soiled, which not only benefits you by reducing odours but also by reducing the risk of skin irritation or incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD). At every change, make sure you clean and dry your skin.
If you’re out of the house, you can opt for using hypoallergenic wet wipes for a quick refresh while on the go.
4. Wash soiled items quickly
Sometimes accidents happen, and if you get stool or urine onto your clothing, bedding or furniture, it’s important to wash them as soon as possible.
Leaving it for some time before cleaning can not only make stains harder to remove, but it means any odours could linger for longer as well.
Adding some white vinegar and/or baking soda to warm water and allowing the fabric to soak for an hour before washing is a great option to help soften odours a bit more.
If you’re unable to put a soiled item in the washing machine (like a sofa or chair, for example), try blotting the area to absorb as much of the liquid as you can before applying a cleaner. You can try using white vinegar here as well, as a natural option to neutralise odours.
You can also find cleaners with added enzymes that are very effective at removing odour-causing compounds in bodily fluids like stool and urine, breaking down the proteins within them.
5. Use furniture protectors
Using waterproof furniture protectors is a great option to prevent any leaks from getting onto your furniture and therefore any unwanted odours! These products really can save you time and money on clean-up.
You can find waterproof furniture and bedding protectors in both disposable and washable options, so choose whatever fits your life best.
If you do choose disposable, make sure you throw them out after each use. And for washable, be sure to put them into the washing machine as soon as they’re soiled.
We hope this article has eased any stresses you had about managing incontinence odours. You don’t have to let the fear take over your life and can feel fresh, dry and confident at all hours!
Über den Autor: Gabriella Del Grande
Having begun her career as a journalist, Gabriella has been weaving words to create engaging and educational content for over a decade. Gabriella loves to write insightful pieces that empower readers to take control of their health and wellbeing so they can live their lives to the fullest. Along with crafting articles, Gabriella has an eye for design, producing and overseeing visual content from short-form Instagram reels and TikToks to long-form brand campaigns and video series.