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  3. Inkontinenzschutz und -einlagen für Männer

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The main difference between our pads and guards is their shape, with our male guards being made to fit men's bodies.

Our male guards are available in two absorbency levels, and have a cupped design to fit like a glove and absorb any light drips in a flash.

Our range of slimline pads are designed for women's light to moderate bladder leaks. They're cloud-soft, made to mould to the contours of the body and come in a variety of absorbency levels.

While the shape of our guards make them more suitable for men's incontinence needs, our range of traditionally shaped pads can be used by people of all genders and ages too!

Our pads and guards can be worn at any time of day (even overnight!) when you need the protection. Our different absorbencies mean there's the right product for every level of need.

If you have heavier leaks at night time, you might want to try our Invizi Pants instead. They give greater coverage than just a pad or guard, so you'll be protected from leaks even if you toss and turn in your sleep!

Our incontinence pads and guards may be thin, but that doesn't mean they skimp on absorbency!

The absorbency of incontinence aids come from two materials - a fluffy cotton-like material, and a powdery polymer that's mixed in with the fluff. It's this polymer that does the majority of absorption, expanding to form gel-like beads that lock in liquid and odour.

Our pads contain more of this absorbent polymer and less of the fluff - so they can absorb a large volume of liquid, without any of the unnecessary bulk.

If you need protection from bowel incontinence, we'd recommend our Invizi Pants or Invizi Slips instead.

This is because our pants and slips offer fuller coverage and are higher in absorbency, so they're capable of containing bowel incontinence.

Unsere Schutzvorrichtungen für Männer bieten nahezu unsichtbaren Schutz vor leichtem bis mäßigem Auslaufen.

Kurz gesagt: Unsere Inkontinenzschutzvorrichtungen für Männer sind so gefertigt, dass sie genau so passen, wie sie sollen.

Diese Invizi-Schutzvorrichtungen sind für leichte bis mittelschwere Blasenschwäche gedacht und fühlen sich dennoch schlank an.

Ihr anatomisch geformtes Design passt sich Ihrem Körper wie angegossen an und absorbiert Tropfen im Handumdrehen, sodass Sie Ihren Tag stressfrei (und ohne Auslaufen) verbringen können.

  • Mit bequemer Cup-Passform gefertigt
  • Geruchsfrei bis zu 12 Stunden
  • Hypoallergen, latexfrei und formaldehydfrei
  • Wischfester Klebestreifen
  • Die schnell trocknende Oberschicht nimmt Feuchtigkeit auf
  • Verteilt Flüssigkeit gleichmäßig, ohne Volumen zu erzeugen
  • Atmungsaktive Rückseite fängt unkontrolliertes Auslaufen auf
  • Einzeln verpackt

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