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  3. Inkontinenzprodukte für Männer

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Our range of men's incontinence products have options for all types of incontinence and levels of need. We have male guards (also known as incontinence pads for men), as well as pull up pants and all-in-one slips (also called adult nappies or adult diapers).

Picking the incontinence product that's best for your needs depends on the type of incontinence you have as well as your level of need.

If you only have light drops or dribbles, a male guard might provide enough coverage and absorbency for you. But if you have heavier urinary incontinence, bowel incontinence or both, you might opt for a pull-up pant or slip.

You can always take our Invizi Fit Quiz to have a range of products recommended to you after answering quick & easy questions, or you can get in touch with our friendly customer support team to get some guidance.

No matter which incontinence product you use, we recommend changing it as soon as it is wet or soiled. This helps keep your skin happy, healthy and irritation free.

Of course! Our incontinence products give you the support and protection you need when recovering from things like prostate surgery, or any other surgery that might impact your ability to get to the bathroom.

They certainly do! All of our Invizi products have active odour control that works for up to 12 hours to keep you feeling fresh between changes.

Definitely. All of our products are made with skin-safe, cloud soft and fully breathable materials that are super comfy to wear.

They're also dermatologically tested, latex free and have no nasties (like formaldehyde or other chemicals) in order to keep your skin happy, healthy and irritation-free.

Bei Invizi stellen wir sicher, dass unsere Inkontinenzprodukte für Männer diskreten Schutz und ganztägigen Komfort bieten.

Unsere Produkte sind so konzipiert, dass sie sich nahtlos in Ihren Alltag einfügen, sodass Sie Ihren Geschäften trocken, komfortabel und selbstbewusst nachgehen können.

Von unseren Schutzeinlagen für Männer bis hin zu unseren eng anliegenden Pull-Ups und Unterkleidern ist jedes Produkt darauf ausgelegt, Sie ohne aufzutragen bedeckt und vor Auslaufen geschützt zu halten.

Außerdem sind sie alle aus atmungsaktiven, wolkenweichen Materialien gefertigt, die für ein angenehmes Tragegefühl sorgen.

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