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  3. All-in-One-Unterhosen

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All-in-one slips are our highest absorbing wearable and are designed for those less mobile, as they're easier to change (for either the wearer or carer) due to their sticky side tabs. They're also easier to put on and take off while the wearer is seated or laying down.

You may have heard them be referred to as adult diapers or adult nappies.

Our Invizi Slips Maxi have a maximum capacity of between 2200mL - 3100mL (this is dependent on which size you wear).

Pull-up pants are underwear replacements, and are worn in the same way as regular underwear. Slips, on the other hand, are made in an all-in-one wrap around style with sticky tab closures at the front.

Slips are our best option for wearers with restricted mobility or those who are immobile, as they're much easier for carers to change.

All of our incontinence aids are made to be invizi to the senses. They're fitted with active odour neutralising materials that work for up to 12 hours to keep any unwanted odours at bay.

We recommend changing your Slip as soon as it is wet or soiled, to keep your skin happy, healthy and hygienic!

We recommend changing your slip, or the slip of the person you care for, as soon as it is wet or soiled. This helps keep skin happy, healthy and hygienic!

Our slips are fitted with a wetness indicator to help carers know when they're wet and in need of changing.

They certainly can! Our Invizi Slips Maxi are unisex, made to hug every body.

No, all of our products are made to be super absorbent with none of the bulk. You can rest assured that our slips will stay hidden under clothing!

Our Slips are our highest-absorbing wearables and give full coverage protection from both urinary and/or bowel incontinence. They absorb any leaks in a flash, and neutralise odours between changes.

Absolutely! All of our products are proudly dermatologically tested, latex-free and made from skin-safe materials, so you can be sure there’s no nasties inside.

Unsere Slips sind für Menschen mit eingeschränkter Mobilität konzipiert und bieten die höchste Saugfähigkeit unserer Kleidungsstücke.

Sie passen sich jeder Körperform an und lassen sich dank der seitlichen Klebelaschen sowohl für den Träger als auch für den Pfleger problemlos an- und ausziehen. [mehr]

Unsere Slips sind super saugfähig, ohne aufzutragen, sodass sie bequem am Körper anliegen – genau wie normale Unterwäsche.

  • Auslaufsicheres Tragen tagsüber und nachts
  • Sie lassen Ihre Haut atmen
  • Dermatologisch getestet, hypoallergen und latexfrei
  • Passend für weniger mobile Träger
  • Bis zu 12 Stunden geruchsfrei
  • Beinschützer und Auslaufschutz für zusätzlichen Schutz
  • Die blitztrocknende Oberschicht nimmt Feuchtigkeit auf und trocknet sie
  • 3-Kanal-Advanced-Absorption-Technologie
  • Atmungsaktive Rückseite fängt unkontrollierte Leckagen auf
  • Nässeindikator erleichtert das Wechseln
  • Unisex-Design

Genießen Sie die großen und kleinen Momente des Lebens wieder mit unsichtbarem Selbstvertrauen.

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