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Helpful Tips for Toilet Training Your Child

Toilet training your child can be a challenging experience, for both you and them! So we hope these tips and tricks help take some of the pressure off the process.

7 min read
Helpful Tips for Toilet Training Your Child
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Teaching your child to use the toilet is a big milestone, and every child gets there in their own time. The transition from nappies to the toilet can vary a lot from one child to the next—and that’s totally fine!

Before we jump into toilet training tips, here’s an important reminder: there’s no need to rush. Most kids start showing signs they’re ready to toilet train around 18 months when they begin to recognise the urge to go. But many parents start later, and that’s perfectly okay. Don’t stress or pressure yourself (or your child) if the timing doesn’t feel right.

Starting too early can end up frustrating both you and your little one. Plus, it’s worth knowing that kids usually get the hang of daytime toilet training before mastering staying dry through the night. We’ll share more on that later in the article, so stay tuned.

Now, let’s dive into some practical tips to help with toilet training!

Look for signs they're ready to toilet train

While we’ve mentioned waiting until the right age to start teaching your child to use the toilet, other signs show they might be ready. These can include:

  • They are walking and can sit for short periods
  • They’re more independent and can use words like “no” or “yes” to decide what they want
  • They’re interested in watching their parents or siblings go to the toilet
  • They have a dry nappy for 2 or more hours at a time
  • They can gesture or use words like “poo” or “wee” to tell you they’ve soiled their nappy
  • They begin to not like wearing a nappy, and may even try to pull it off when it’s wet or soiled
  • They are having regular, soft but formed bowel movements
  • They can pull their pants up and down
  • They can follow simple instructions like “Give the spoon to Mama”

Prepare your child in the lead up to toilet training

Start by choosing simple words or cues to teach your child about going to the toilet, like “wee,” “poo,” or “I need to go.” 

Letting your child watch you or trusted family members use the toilet can also help—they’ll learn by seeing and hearing what to do.

You can try putting your child in training pants for a little while each day. This helps them recognise the feeling of wetness and start understanding that staying dry feels better, encouraging them to use the toilet to avoid being wet or soiled.

Make sure your child is getting enough fibre and drinking plenty of water to keep their bowel movements regular. Constipation can make toilet training harder and more uncomfortable, so keeping things moving smoothly can make the whole process easier for everyone.

Have the right equipment ready

Generally, getting your child to use the actual toilet straight away may be a bit daunting for them, so having a potty or smaller toilet seat attachment for the toilet can be really helpful. 

If you have a potty, it can be used in any room in the house and is easy to take along on car trips. Just be aware that your child might begin to become used to only using the potty and using a toilet may be too much for them. 

This could be when it’s a good idea to try using both the potty and a toilet training seat to teach them how to use both.

Starting to toilet train

Deciding, “Yes, it’s time to start toilet training!” is exciting, but when it comes to actually getting started, it can feel a bit overwhelming. Here are some tips to make the process smoother:

Ditch the nappies (mostly)

During the day, swap nappies for training pants or let your child go bare-bottomed at home. Stick with nappies for sleep, though—it takes longer for kids to learn to stay dry overnight or wake up to use the toilet.

Gentle reminders

Prompt your child to use the toilet at regular times during the day. A good routine is 20–30 minutes after meals, before and after naps, and every couple of hours.

Watch their timing

If your child usually poos at the same time every day, sit them on the potty around then. Pay attention to signs they need to go, like wriggling, hiding, or pulling at their pants or nappy.

Short potty sits

Start with 2–3 minute potty sessions to help them get used to it. Avoid long periods, as it might feel like a punishment. Once they’re more comfortable, you can begin asking if they need to go.

Be patient with accidents

Accidents are part of the process! Stay calm, patient, and supportive—it’s all new to them, and they’ll get there.

Help with wiping

In the beginning, you’ll still need to help wipe properly after they wee or poo. They might be too young to do it on their own just yet.

Dress for success

Put your child in clothes that are easy to pull down, like elastic waists or zippers. Avoid tricky buttons or anything that might slow them down when they need to go quickly.

With these tips and a little patience, you’ll be off to a great start!

Allow training breaks at the beginning

If a week goes by without any successful attempts of using the toilet, give your child a couple of weeks' break.

This could happen on and off for some time until they start recognising when to use the potty or toilet. 

Remember, this process isn’t a race. They’ll pick it back up when they’re ready.

Give plenty of praise when things go well

Cheering your child on when they figure out they need to use the potty or toilet is such an important step! Even if they sit down but don’t actually go, that’s still progress and totally worth celebrating.

You can show your excitement with sticker charts, a big hug, a high-five, or just telling them how proud you are. Make them feel like the absolute coolest kid ever!
When accidents happen (because they will), try to stay calm and keep things positive.

Getting upset might make them associate using the toilet with trouble, which could slow things down. Instead, reassure them, clean up, and move on—it’s all part of the process.

Toilet training isn’t a straight shot—it’s going to have its ups and downs. Patience and positivity will make a big difference!

How to know when to night-time toilet train

As we’ve mentioned, kids usually get the hang of daytime toilet training before they’re ready to stay dry at night. So how can you tell when it’s time to ditch the nighttime nappies?

Here are some signs to watch for:

  • Your child regularly wakes up with a dry nappy, or it’s only wet right as they wake up (it’ll feel soaked, and the urine will still be warm).
  • They’re starting to get up during the night to use the toilet or calling for your help.

How to help your child stay dry at night

  • Make a toilet trip part of their bedtime routine.
  • Remind them that it’s okay to get up during the night if they need to go.
  • If they wake up for another reason, ask if they want to use the toilet before going back to bed.
  • Give them lots of praise in the morning if they wake up dry!

Pull-up pants can be a game-changer for overnight toilet training.

Our Nundies Youth Pants are especially great because they feel just like real underwear, are easy for kids to pull on and off, and feature 3-channel absorbency superpowers! 

They keep your child dry for up to 12 hours, making them perfect for overnights. Just be sure to change them as soon as possible to prevent irritation. 

Whether your child is still working on nighttime training, experiences bedwetting, or has a condition that causes incontinence, they’re a helpful tool to make life a little easier!

Über den Autor: Gabriella Del Grande

Having begun her career as a journalist, Gabriella has been weaving words to create engaging and educational content for over a decade. Gabriella loves to write insightful pieces that empower readers to take control of their health and wellbeing so they can live their lives to the fullest. Along with crafting articles, Gabriella has an eye for design, producing and overseeing visual content from short-form Instagram reels and TikToks to long-form brand campaigns and video series.

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